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  • Writer's pictureDhwani Mundra

Strategic Thinking Course: Notes & Reflection

Updated: May 12

In this blog I am reflecting on a strategic thinking course on LinkedIn Learning. I was looking to interact with and understand from few industry professionals about Systems/ Service design areas, when I connected with Jinal Chawda over LinkedIn. I saw this course on her profile and my curiosity led me to look into this course.


Course Name: Strategic Thinking

Hosted by: Dorie Clark (@dorie-clark)

Platform: LinkedIn Learning

Skills covered: Strategic thinking

Duration: 36m (13 videos)

Date of completion: 22nd June, 2023

Certificate of completion:



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I would like to think 'strategy' as a term for 'better planning but not in isolation'. Whether at Organizational or Team or at an Individual level - strategizing involves taking into consideration the context they are in and the stakeholders they interact with. It involves having small, continuous interactions or pre-meetings with trusted advisors, reflecting on the performance and making any changes accordingly.

I think though, through this course I have reflected most on individual level. By going through this course I realized what I could have done better - especially through the last parts where the host was talking about how one should change a well working strategy only when you are sure a new strategy will show better results - a better strategy should already be formulated and the bar for this new strategy to work should be set really high for you to move on from the one that is currently working well. But even if there is any disruption, by choice or circumstance, you should be able to accept the situation, learn from it, reflect on it and plan better for future.

But, based on this course, there are some other things overall that I think I have managed to do well, too. First of all - questioning. The past year seems like an eternity and I have agonized over every decision I have made and how I don't have clarity with where my design journey is going. But I think rather than lamenting over past experiences or mistakes, I question what can I do better that makes me happy, like working on this blog.

Second, reaching out. I started with reaching out for help to my family, friends, colleagues, my previous mentors, then also to people over LinkedIn. Frankly, so many of them responded so graciously, I couldn't be more grateful. I could put things and plans into greater MOMENTUM (an important energy for any thing you want to do in life). I overthink somethings a lot in my own head, and instead of discussing them, I just make conclusions. But now, I connect with people who can be patient enough to give me time to discuss things over or provide FEEDBACK and wait for me to work on it but can also take the same from me. I think in design especially we talk a lot about user feedback and its importance to succeed but rarely implement the same in our own lives. We forget to ask for feedback in very specific ways or do not give it.

Overall, this course was concise and to the point, catering to an audience with just 3 min videos max at a time which helped me complete the course and reflect on a lot too.


Thank you for going through this post 🙏

If you have any thoughts, help me understand how you would approach or work on this post differently or present it differently in the comments below 👇 or drop me a message directly 📩

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